HDR graduates
Dr Sanjana Shrestha: Understanding the value of thirdspace in community engagement: a study of community-based learning spaces in Nepal
Dr Xiongzhi (Jamin) Wang: “Nature is mine/ours”: cultivating psychological ownership of nature to encourage pro-environmental outcomes
Dr Debashish Sarker Dev: Climate change adaptation planning in Bangladesh: gender, participation, and power
Dr Daniel Cruz Lopez: Food sovereignty and the practice of transformative social change: learning from the Navdanya & DDS movements in India
Dr Achmad Supardi: Affective partisanship within the polarised discursive practices of opinion websites during the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial election
Dr Mairead MacKinnon: Representations of refugees in Australia: A holistic examination of the impact of media coverage on refugee perspectives of belonging
Dr Jaime IV Manalo: Understanding decision-making processes of rice farmers in the face of climate change
Dr Denielle Emans: Behind the visual: designing for inclusive, equitable and accessible occupational health and safety communication in Qatar.
Dr Lujain Ismail Shafeeq: Extent of democratic discourse seen in reader comments to online news stories: the case of the Maldives.
Dr Yuwan Malakar: Social Constructs of Energy Poverty and the Resulting Capability Deprivations in Rural India.
Dr Laya Matindoost: Settlement experiences of Iranian migrants on humanitarian and non-humanitarian visas in Australia.
Dr Matthew Herington: Energy access transitions in South Asia: a study of positive deviance and the enabling mechanisms for social change at the community level.
Dr Kylie Navuku: Reimagining celebrity: towards understanding the impact of positioning famous fictional characters as celebrities in UN communication activities
Dr Hagos Nigussie Kahssay: Folk media forms and their potential for food security communication in eastern Tigray, Ethiopia.
Bernardo Alayza: Communication for Inclusive Innovation: Rethinking science, technology and innovation policies for development in Peru.
Dr Daniela Bandelli: Gender violence in Italy: a critical study of discourses and counter-discourses.
Dr Huu Nhuan Nguyen: Assessing impacts of agricultural research for development in culturally diverse environments in the Northwest Highlands of Vietnam — Sustainability, participation and communication.
Dr Tamara Plush: We’ve raised their voice. Is anyone listening? Participatory video practitioners and valued citizen voice in international development contexts.
Dr Muhammad Makki: Coal seam gas development and community conflict: a comparative study of community responses to coal seam gas development in Chinchilla and Tara, Queensland.
Dr Seamogano Mosanako: Television in Botswana: Development and Policy Perspectives.
Dr Oleg Nicetic: The utility of the farmer field school as a platform for communication and partnership in agricultural research and development in Vietnam.
Dr Shailendra Singh: Rethinking journalism for supporting social cohesion and democracy: case study of media performance in Fiji.
Dr Ellen Strickland: Navigating the undercurrents: an analysis of Pacific Island regional ICT policy.
Dr Vira Riyandari: Participation and Disciplinary Power: Governmentality in the Agricultural Sector in Contemporary Indonesia.
Dr Annie Abdullah: Mobile phones and their implications for teenagers in Brunei Darussalam.
Dr Linda Austin: Talanoa radio: exploring the interface of development, culture and community radio in the South Pacific.
Dr Elena Block: Exploring Hugo Chávez’s use of mimetisation to build a populist hegemony in Venezuela.
Dr Walakkamol 'Lak' Changkamol: Journalism and the path to peace in the south of Thailand.
Dr Nurul Hilmiati: Making research count for farmers: An analysis of participation and communication in agricultural research for development in Eastern Indonesia.
Dr Rozita Abdullah: Corporate social marketing, Petronas festival advertisements: nation building, brand building and identity.
Dr Bambang Budiwiranto: ICTs and Participation for Empowerment in Indonesia: An Actor-Network Theory Perspective.
Dr Gerald Musa: Dialogue as communication: challenges and prospects for Christian-Muslim relationship in Kaduna State, Nigeria.