Jodie Lea Martire

Research Topic: Minority-language publishing in Australia
Supervisors: Associate Professor Pradip Thomas, Dr Samantha Disbray and Professor Paul Harpur
Research Interests: community publishing, small-press publishing, language rights, communication for social change, scholarship engagé
Qualifications: BA, CELTA, Grad Dip Sci(Info Serv), MCommun(CSC)
Martire, J. L. (2020). “A sacred duty”: Amplifying silenced voices through micro- and small publishing [Master’s thesis, The University of Queensland]. UQ eSpace.
Refereed journal articles
Martire, J. L., & Working Group. (2022). In what ways has the digital era changed the notion of public space? Media Development(1), 24-36.
Lock (Ngiyampaa), M. J., McMillan (Wiradjuri), F., Bennett (Gamilaraay), B., Martire, J. L., Warne (Oglala Lakota), D., Kidd (Ngāpuhi), J., Williams (Anishiinabe), N., Roberts, R., Worley, P., & Hutten-Czapski, P. (2022). Position statement: Research and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in rural health journals. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 30(1).
Martire, J. L. (2021). Measuring "diversity" in Australian publishing: An overview and a proposal. Antipodes, 35(1-2), 163-188.
Lock (Ngiyampaa), M. J., McMillan (Wiradjuri), F., Warne (Oglala Lakota), D., Bennett (Gamilaraay), B., Kidd (Ngāpuhi), J., Williams (Bkejwanong), N., Martire, J. L., Worley, P., Hutten-Czapski, P., Saurman, E., Matthews (Quandamooka), V., Walke (Bundjalung), E., Edwards, D. W., Owen (Nurrunga and Ngarrendjeri), J., Browne, J., & Roberts, R. (2022). ICIRAS: Research and reconciliation with indigenous peoples in rural health journals. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 30(4), 550-558.
Martire, J. L. (2021). Amplifying silenced voices through micro- and small-press publishing. Publishing Research Quarterly, 27(2), 213-226.
Scholarly book reviews
Martire, J. L. (2023). Review of Violent Phenomena: 21 Essays on Translation. The AALITRA Review, 19, 104-106.
Martire, J. L. (2023). Georgina Colby, Kaja Marczewska and Leigh Wilson, eds. 2020. The Contemporary Small Press: Making Publishing Visible. Publishing Research Quarterly, 39(4), 414–416.
Martire, J. L. (2023). Lucy Bell, Alex Ungprateeb Flynn and Patrick O’Hare: Taking Form, Making Worlds: Cartonera Publishers in Latin America. Publishing Research Quarterly, 39(1), 85-87.
Martire, J. L. (2023). Ksenija Bilbija and Paloma Celis Carbajal (eds.): A Primer of Latin American Cartonera Publishers / Un ABC de las Editoriales Cartoneras en América Latina. Publishing Research Quarterly, 39(1), 88-90.
Martire, J. L. (2021). Alexandra Dane and Millicent Weber, eds.: Post-digital book cultures: Australian perspectives [Book review]. Publishing Research Quarterly, 37(4), 671-673.
Research reports and white papers
Martire, J. L. (2023, June 18). “A sacred duty”: How Australian micro- and small presses publish and promote silenced and under-represented writers – and what their authors think about the process. Part 3: What small-press publishers and their under-represented authors say about working with each other. Retrieved July 11, 2023 from
Martire, J. L. (2023, May 12). “A sacred duty”: How Australian micro- and small presses publish and promote silenced and under-represented writers – and what their authors think about the process. Part 2: Literature review on micro- and small presses and under-represented writers. Retrieved June 19, 2024 from
Cain-Gray, L., & Martire, J. L. (2021). Accessibility and inclusivity in remote and low-income reader communities (Working Paper series, 6/21). Library For All.
Martire, J. L. (2021, November 23). “A sacred duty”: How Australian micro- and small presses publish and promote silenced and under-represented writers – and what their authors think about the process. Part 1: The strategies of small presses and their authors’ feedback on those strategies. Retrieved September 13, 2022, from
Martire, J. L. (Ed.). (2009). The Struggles for Women's Rights in Chiapas. Lilla: International Women's Network.
Martire, J. L. (Ed.). (2009). Las luchas por los derechos de las mujeres en Chiapas [The Struggles for Women's Rights in Chiapas]. Lilla: International Women's Network.
Researcher biography
Jodie Martire is a PhD candidate whose research considers social justice and publishing within the framework of communication for social change. She has varied professional experience across the book trade going back 20 years, in addition to field experience in human rights, women’s rights and Indigenous rights in Latin America.