Announcing PEATLI return for 2023!

Announcing PEATLI 2023!

After successful engagement of two cohorts of students in 2019 and one in 2022, the PEATLI project will involve two more cohorts in 2023:

  • PEATLI-4 with PEATLI standing for ‘Peatland community Engagement And Transdisciplinary Learning – Indonesia’, hosted by BRGM and UI. Workshops take place in Semester 1 and travel to Indonesia (Jakarta and Jambi province, Sumatra) is from 17 June to 4 July 2023.


  • PEATLI-5 with PEATLI standing for ‘Poverty, community Engagement And Transdisciplinary Learning – Indonesia’, hosted by BRIN and UB. Workshops take place in Semester 2 and travel to Indonesia (Lombok in NTB province and Malang in East Java province) is from 18 November to 5 December 2023.