Announcing PEATLI 2023!
After successful engagement of two cohorts of students in 2019 and one in 2022, the PEATLI project will involve two more cohorts in 2023:
- PEATLI-4 with PEATLI standing for ‘Peatland community Engagement And Transdisciplinary Learning – Indonesia’, hosted by BRGM and UI. Workshops take place in Semester 1 and travel to Indonesia (Jakarta and Jambi province, Sumatra) is from 17 June to 4 July 2023.
- PEATLI-5 with PEATLI standing for ‘Poverty, community Engagement And Transdisciplinary Learning – Indonesia’, hosted by BRIN and UB. Workshops take place in Semester 2 and travel to Indonesia (Lombok in NTB province and Malang in East Java province) is from 18 November to 5 December 2023.