Marlene has a strong interest in intercultural communication with an overarching aim of inclusivity, mutual respect and understanding. From early on in her higher education, Marlene has been involved with initiatives, services and research around international student support. Exploring the complexities and nuances of sociocultural and academic integration has been a major focus.
Research interests
  • Intercultural communication
  • International student adjustment and integration
  • International student support
  • Cultural identity
  • Intercultural friendships
Graduate Certificate in Education (TESOL), Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Master of Communication, The University of Queensland, Australia
Bachelor of International Business, Griffith University, Australia
Current Research Project: Academic adjustment of international students in communication-intensive degree courses in Australian universities (Working title)
The current project examines the academic adjustment of international students in communication-intensive classrooms in higher education settings. The aim is to understand factors that influence international students’ academic success and social communicative behaviours in a new academic culture to become part of a learning community. In the ongoing drive of universities for internalisation which leads to growing student diversification, it is crucial to holistically investigate universities’ academic support systems and its impact on learning and academic integration of international students.
Supervisors: Dr Aparna Hebbani & Dr Adriana Diaz